
Guild Info


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Guild Wars

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Torrencian Guild Policy

Written by Shamino Sworddancer

Our Philosophy: The Torrencians are a group of gamers who enjoy playing Guild Wars. Our main priority is to have fun. Our members participate in all forms of GW gaming, including PVE (player versus environment) and PVP (player versus player). As a guild, we like to get together at least once a week and participate in exciting GVG (guild versus guild) battles. Although we are typically ranked in the top 1000 guilds, our focus is not on achieving the top ladder rankings, therefore it is perfectly fine for new and inexperienced members to participate in our GVG battles.

Requirements: There are three requirements for joining our guild.

The first is that you need to have a mature outlook on this game. This means that whether we win or lose in a mission or GVG, we don't flame or accuse others. While it can be frustrating to lose in GvG or HA, we should keep it in perspective, make it a learning experience and try and improve our own skills for the next time.

The second is that you are always honest with your fellow guild members. This doesn't mean you have to disclose everything about yourself, just keep it real and do not cheat on your fellow gamers (whether in our guild or not).

The final requirement is that you play Guild Wars!

Suggestions to participate in GVG: To participate in guild versus guild battles, it is strongly advised that you have the Ventrilo client running and that you are at least able to hear the discussion during battle. Also, you should either have a level 20 RPG character with Droknar level armor and the full 200 attribute points, or a PVP character.

How to Join: To join The Torrencians, please whisper an officer in the game. At least one officer is typically online in the evenings. The IGN for the officers include:

How to Become an Officer: If you want to become an officer in our guild, you should demonstrate a few things. One is that you play fairly frequently, i.e. at least a few times a week and have completed enough of the game that you can give advice to new members. Ideally this means that you've completed the PVE game and done enough PVP/GVG/HA so that you know what's going in those arenas. Second is that you agree to the responsibilities listed below. Lastly, and most important, is that you demonstrate a willingness to help your fellow guild members, whether through game advice or helping to complete a particular quest or mission (Thunderhead Keep anyone?).

Responsibilities of an Officer: Officers may exercise their full privileges as given in the game. This is distinguished from members in the following manner:

Our guidelines for promotion and invitation have already been covered above. Therefore the only remaining topic is kicking a member. Our preference is that the only time we will kick a member is if there is a consensus among a majority of the officers that someone is disrupting our guild to the extent that other members are not enjoying the guild experience. Such behavior may include excessive flaming or swearing at other members, whether in PM, guild channel, or on voice chat. It may also include cheating fellow members out of gold or items.